A must-see for anyone expanding overseas or planning to do so.

GMO Japan Market Intelligence conducted a survey on mail order sales and group purchase coupons targeting monitors and affiliated monitors in Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan.

We have announced the following release.

Information from within Japan is received from time to time, but since it covers four East Asian countries, it is very useful to be able to compare the same time frame and content.

■ "Survey on mail order sales and joint purchase coupons" (http://www.gmo-jmi.jp/jp/news/ebooks/ebooks_20120119.pdf)

Summary of the summary
■ How often do you use online shops and why?
- About 60% of people in Japan and Taiwan use the internet at least once a month, while the figure exceeds 80% in China and South Korea!
・The differences between Japan and the other three countries are striking. Is Japan really unique?
In the other three countries, the reason given was that it was easier to choose and find things than in a physical store, which accounted for about 30% to 40% of the total.
"Easy comparison between products" was also rated 20-30% in the other three countries.
→Does this mean that the quality of shops in Japan is also high?
In Japan, the most common reason given was "it's convenient because they deliver," accounting for over 30% of people.
→Why is this not the case in China, a country with such a vast land area?
Is it because there is no internet or delivery infrastructure in the suburbs in the first place?
There seem to be many reasons.
■ Products purchased at the online shop
In Japan, books are the most popular item, accounting for about 50% of purchases, while in the other three countries and regions, fashion-related items are the most popular.
In the United States, the figure is over 50%, and in South Korea, it is over 60%. In Japan, fashion-related products account for approximately 30% of purchases.
- In China and Taiwan, the second most popular purchases are household goods and daily necessities, while in South Korea, the second most popular purchases are food and beverages.
- DVDs and music downloads account for nearly 30% in Japan, but less than 10% in the other three countries and regions.
→ I think this is a result that reflects each country's culture, values, and needs.

■ Troubles and complaints encountered when shopping online
Compared to Japan, the other three countries have an overwhelmingly higher number of users with over 90% of users experiencing some kind of trouble or dissatisfaction.
→ Here again, the differences with Japan are striking. I think it is very meaningful to aim to solve the problems here.
In terms of the types of problems, in all surveyed countries and regions, the most common problem was "the quality of the product or service was lower than expected."
The most common response was "Yes, I was."
→ This is the biggest and most prolonged issue when it comes to online. To solve this issue, various solutions are being proposed.
Even though the survey has been provided, we are still receiving responses, which means there is still room for more.
In Japan, there were no notable problems, with over 30% of people responding that they had "no particular problems or complaints."
