The other day, on an EC siteSales promotion support functionI introduced the begging feature as above, but since the mechanism shouldn't be that complicated, I was wondering if there were any free services available for it, and I discovered it in today's release.
Customizable design for the EC sales promotion support solution "Onedari-jozu" - Customize your own original designs and templatesBegging power"power up!-
I did a little research to see what kind of service it was.

About the Begging Function

So the image is,It's similar to the Facebook Like button or Twitter button.hey.

It seems that just by pasting a tag, the link provided will provide a begging function.

With this release, it is now possible to change the design of the linked page. By matching the design with the EC site, users can transition seamlessly.

Also, mixi, Twitter, FacebookSocial mediaI like how they've kept it under control.

Free nowSince it can be used in this way, why not give it a try?
