In Japan, we are not yet in a position to develop an EC site on Facebook, but in the United States,F-CommerceIt has become so widespread that there is even a word called ``.''

Therefore,Social Commerce TodayThe survey was conducted among 1,787 adults in the United States.

  1. 42% users check out (follow) some retailers on Facebook, Twitter, and blogs.
  2. On average, they check six retailers, 581 TP3T check to get information about special offers (sales), 491 TP3T check to get information about new products, and 391 TP3T check to get information about campaigns and event participation.
  3. 56% Facebook users have navigated from Facebook to a retailer's website.
  4. 28% Facebook users have made a purchase via a Facebook link.
  5. 35% consumers said they would be willing to purchase products on Facebook, and 32% said they would also purchase from Twitter if possible.

source:Social Commerce Today

It's surprising that nearly 30% of users have already made a purchase via Facebook.

There are also various solutions that support Facebook.milyoniThe company specializes in social media solutions.

I think it's good to be able to compare utilization survey reports like this rather than just looking at a single point in time, so I'll continue to keep an eye on them.

