This book is for people who have never studied economics systematically. It is not in chronological order, but it is very easy to read, with each section covering everything from the origins of currency to Abenomics divided into several pages.


table of contents


Knowing world history will help you understand economic news better!

Chapter 1 Money (1) The origins of the yen, dollar, and euro

No.01 Why is a 10,000 yen note worth “10,000 yen”?
No.02 The history of the dollar: How big business groups control the dollar
No.03 The Establishment of the Yen① What was the currency war over "gold" at the end of the Edo period?
No.04 Establishment of the Yen② Battle between the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan
No.05 The "Fourth Reich" that controls the Eurozone

Chapter 2 Money (2) World Economy and International Currency

No.06 Why can the dollar be used in countries all over the world?
No.07 Meiji Japan was able to maintain its independence because it was able to transition to the gold standard
No.08 The dollar became strong because of the world war
No.09 Why was Japan, a defeated nation, able to achieve economic growth?
No.10 What is the difference between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank?
No.11 The rise and fall of the yen was caused by America’s violation of the rules
No.12 Crazy Times - Why did Japan's bubble economy occur?
No.13 Thailand, Indonesia, and South Korea. Why did these three countries head towards bankruptcy?
No.14 The yen is on the brink of a major collapse! What is the true nature of hedge funds?
No.15 The euro crisis shows the limits of a single currency

Chapter 3 Trade and Economic Liberalization

No.16 The failure of protectionism led to the downfall of Napoleon
No.17 The Opium Wars: The War of Aggression for Liberalism
No.18 The TPP issue that arose in the UK 180 years ago
No.19 How did the United States, Germany, and Japan become such powerful nations?
No.20 Extreme protectionism led to two world wars
No.21 Beef and orange import liberalization! Has Japan been hit hard?
No.22 What is the balance of power among nations and what are “modern unequal treaties”?
No.23 What the Koizumi administration did was to thoroughly open up Japan's markets.
No.24 What is America's true aim in the TPP?

Chapter 4 Finance Investment and Bubbles

No.25 The history of finance is also the history of the persecuted
No.26 Where did the image of "Jews = money lenders" come from?
No.27 Avoid risk! The establishment of corporations and the insurance industry
No.28 The World History of Investment: From Thales to the Osaka Rice Market
No.29 The world's first bubble came from a tulip bulb
No.30 The mechanism of "Economic Growth → Global Depression"
No.31 Why did Japan fall from “number one”?
No.32 The world's biggest bankruptcy and 60 trillion yen of debt

Chapter 5 Finances: State and Money

No.33 The merits and demerits of public works: The "laws" of the downfall of empires
No.34 Emperor Kanmu, Yoritomo, Yoshimitsu, Nobunaga, Hideyoshi. Japanese history from a financial perspective
No.35 The Birth of Economics: European History from a Financial Perspective
No.36 "If you're going to be taxed, we'll call it independence!" What was the trigger for American independence?
No.37 "Love of austerity measures" has not changed since the Edo period
No.38 How to revive debt-ridden local governments
No.39 Abolishing feudal domains and establishing prefectures: It worked because Japan was in debt
No.40 Learn from the Rothschild family, masters of risk hedging
No.41 Which country recovered from the Great Depression the fastest?
No.42 The man who saved Germany twice
No.43 The world historical significance of Abenomics
No.44 The pros and cons of consumption tax
