On August 10, 2011, EC-CUBESmartphone-friendly templatesWe have released a new version 2.11.2 with enhanced features.

For more informationHerePlease take a look.

Well, how much here?Smartphone templateI would like to compare whether it has been strengthened.

Old version smartphone template

EC-CUBE 2.11.1

First, here is the smartphone template for the old version 2.11.1.

New version (2.11.2) smartphone template

EC-CUBE 2.11.2

And here is the new version 2.11.2 smartphone template.

When comparing the two websites, it is clear that they are designed for smartphones, making extensive use of JavaScript and taking into account the touch interface.

By the way, there is a comparison table on LockOn's official website, so I will quote it here.

Smartphone template compatibility

Feature Comparison Chart EC-CUBE R Company
Company Y
Company O
(ASP Cart)
Company M
(Overseas OSS)
L Company
(Domestic OSS)
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