Sapotant, a human resources service company specializing in web and mobile operations, announced on August 10 that it will launch a new service called "Sapotant" through its EC site.Social pluginsWe conducted our own research on the current status of adoption.

According to the survey, 52% of e-commerce sites have implemented social plug-ins, while 48% have not.

The social plug-ins that have been implemented are: "Twitter" (87%), "Facebook Like" (54%), "mixi Check" (42%), "GREE" (13%), "Google+1" (12%), "Hatena" (12%), "mixi Like" (10%), and "Facebook Send" (8%).

In addition, the number of plugins that have been installed is as follows: 33% "1," 13% "2," 23% "3," and 31% "3 or more."

The survey covered 100 e-commerce sites and was conducted in August.

■ "Social Plugin Adoption Status by EC Sites" (
