Today is
Stories for stores to gain empathy
We will inform you of the following.

I will write at length below,
It's not like they won't buy it if you don't do it.
If you make it cheap, they will buy it.

If customers don't empathize with your product, they won't spread the word.
If you can't get people to empathize with you, you'll never be able to escape the price war.
If people don't empathize with your store, you won't gain fans.

So I think it's important.

Elements to shape the story,
There are four simple elements that can be used to convey your store's philosophy.

These things
I would like you to include it on your company profile or store introduction page.

<Communicate the store's thoughts>

1) WHY

Why did you create the store?

This is probably the area where there is the biggest difference between stores.

for example,

I wanted everyone in Japan to know about my shop.
I wanted to deliver cheap, high-quality products to people all over Japan.
I wanted to revitalize the local shopping district.
I had no choice but to do it because my main job was struggling.
Shimamura and Uniqlo are opening nearby and it looks like the brick-and-mortar stores are going to go out of business, so I have no choice but to do this.won


Of course, the fundamental reason is to make a profit.
I know that.

The thoughts that go behind it and the reasons why I made it
I would like you to express this.


2) WHO

→ Who created this store with care?

Who created the store is a very personal aspect.
It is often said that online shops do not allow customers to see each other's faces.
This is to allow you to imagine the face of the seller (even vaguely)
This will be a trigger.

for example,

I had never shopped online before I started my own shop.
I started using a computer at the age of 50 and started my own shop by typing on the keyboard with just one finger.Caught
Started by a sister to help her brother run a brick-and-mortar store
I was told to do something new because I am the third generation of my family.
My company was bought out and I was going to get fired so I had no choice but to sell online.won


These are all true stories that I have heard.
(All the stores have been in business for more than seven years and have been steadily increasing in sales.)

You can see the seller's face.


3) Attention to detail in product selection

→We are committed to the quality, materials, and manufacturing process of the products we sell.

The products we sell are
Basically, they put it there because they think it will sell.
just,It's hard to convey to customers the benefits of buying it.

To turn something that is so obvious that we don't even realize it into an advantage,

Why do we stock such products in our stores?
Is the form (appearance, shape, appearance, form, style) good?
What are the degrees of taste and smell (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami)?
Do you like the feel (hard, soft, fluffy)?

We carefully selected the products and made the purchases.
The choice you make becomes part of the story.


4) Passion

→This is the one thing I cannot compromise on

This is just an example.
We asked a flower retailer about his "non-negotiable points."

Usually, flower growers
Keep water running under the seedlings so they can soak up water whenever they want.Apparently there are.
However, the shop is selling each seedling individually.
Apparently they water it occasionally.
Then, the seedlings that can only absorb water occasionally
To survive, they grow stronger and their stems thicken.
The flowers seem to last a long time even after they bloom.

It must be a lot of work to water each and every seedling.
However, it seems they still continue to do it.

So that our customers can enjoy flowers for as long as possible.


That's all four points.

There may be more, but
First of all, I would like to proceed with these things.
I think it really conveys how good the store is.

It's famous, but Tsuchiya Kaban's page is great.



The scent of leather is incorporated into the design.
Delivering the warmth of handmade products from our workshop


Even if it's just a word or two,
Try including it on your company profile or store introduction page.
Give it a try!
