Since the beginning of 2011,Smartphone boomI feel like that has arrived.

Smartphone compatibility for EC sites

Are you ready?

How many smartphones are actually being sold?Overview of domestic mobile phone handset shipments for fiscal year 2010It is explained in detail in, but to summarise it is as follows:

Overview of domestic mobile phone handset shipments for fiscal year 2010

Fiscal 2010 results Feature Phone 29.09 million units
smartphone 8.55 million units
FY2011 forecast Feature Phone 20.7 million units
smartphone 18.2 million units

From the release statement, we can calculate that the number of smartphones shipped in fiscal 2009 was 2.31 million. (Most of them were iPhones though...^^;)

It's been three years since the iPhone was released.Smartphone shipments will account for almost half of the market shareThis is the prediction that is being made.

Personally, I expect that the number of smartphones shipped will surpass that of feature phones within this year. The enthusiasm of each carrier is incredible. In the first place, no one expected that the number of smartphones shipped would be halved in 2011.

As such, smartphones have already become an Internet device that cannot be ignored, following PCs and mobile devices.

Where:E-commerce site constructionOpen SourceI looked into smartphone compatibility for the above.

Smartphone compatibility status of major EC open source

remarks Standard support from 2.11 iPhone Theme Only Supports additional modules Supports additional modules

As expected, domestic open source has strengths in these areas.

Template editing for smartphones is available as standard. EC-CUBE has released version 2.11 on March 23, 2011.

Since it is open source, it would be nice if it were possible to provide different templates using additional plugins or modules.

