Introducing the book.

There are various marketing frameworks, such as 3C4P analysis, but this book proposes a framework as a common language for business models.

I personally want to actively incorporate frameworks like this, so this was very helpful. And above all, the design of the book is wonderful.

I would like you to check out the contents search on Amazon or the Shoeisha page below. It was a book that was visually appealing with a variety of illustrations, like the popular one-column web design or a landing page.

What is Business Model Generation?

[Definition] Business model
A business model is a logical description of how value is created and delivered to customers.

Over the course of nine years, 470 co-authors from 45 countries spent a total of 4,000 hours analyzing various prototypes using 28,459 Post-it notes to systematize the methodology of business model innovation, which provides a deeper understanding of customers, sales channels, partners, revenue streams, cost structures, and more.

Specifically, we break down the business model into nine elements and design it using a tool called the Business Model Canvas to enable visual and objective analysis.

Business Model Canvas

9 components of the business model canvas
  1. Customer Segment (CS)Define the customer groups that your company wants to serve
    • For whom do we create value?
    • Who are your most important customers?
  2. Value Proposition (VP)Describe products and services that create value for specific customer segments
      • What value do you provide to customers?
      • What problems can we help you solve?
      • What customer needs will it satisfy?
      • What products and services will you offer to your customer segments?
  3. Channel (CH)Describe how you will communicate with and deliver value to your customer segments
    • Through which channels do you want to reach your customer segments?
    • How are you reaching them now?
    • How can channels be integrated?
    • Which channels are working and which are the most cost-effective?
    • How do you integrate channels into your customers' lives?
  4. Customer Relationships (CR)Describes the type of relationship a company has with a particular customer segment
    • What types of relationships do your customer segments want to build and maintain?
    • What relationships have you already built? How much will it cost?
    • How does it integrate with other elements of your business model?
  5. Revenue Stream (RS)Represents the cash flow a company generates from its customer segments
    • What value are customers willing to pay for?
    • What are you currently paying for? How are you paying for it?
    • How do they want to pay? How much does each revenue contribute to their overall revenue?
  6. Resources (KR)Describe the assets required to execute the business model
    • What resources do you need to deliver your value proposition?
    • What about distribution channels, customer relationships and revenue streams?
  7. Main Activities (KA)Describes the key activities that a company must perform to execute its business model
    • What are the key activities required to deliver the value proposition?
    • What are your distribution channels? What are your customer relationships? What are your revenue streams?
  8. Partner (KP)Describes the network of suppliers and partners that make up the business model
    • Who are your partners? Who are your main suppliers?
    • What resources do you get from your partners?
    • What key activities are the partners performing?
  9. Cost Structure (CS)Describe all costs incurred in operating your business model
    • What are the most significant costs inherent in your business model?
    • Which resource is the most expensive?
    • Which key activities are most expensive?
How to use the Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas Template

I created this simply using a Google Drive spreadsheet, so I'd like to share it with you.

The second page of the sheet contains the Apple iTunes business model for reference. Please make use of it.

