Why is your story boring?

Why are your stories boring? [Kindle version] posted with Yomereba Tatsuhiro Minobe Asa Publishing Co., Ltd. 2014-04-30 I read this because it was ranked high on the Kindle for Prime members. As a Prime member […]

I see! A book that explains Sun Tzu's Art of War from scratch

I see! A book that explains Sun Tzu's Art of War from scratch posted with Yomereba Modern Business Military Strategy Research Group Subarusha 2008-09-19 It's a good introductory book to Sun Tzu's Art of War. It's for people like me who are trying to learn Sun Tzu's Art of War for the first time.

Akira Ikegami's Easy Educational Lectures

Akira Ikegami's Easy Educational Course posted with Yomereba Akira Ikegami Nikkei Publishing 2014-05-24 See details on Amazon.co.jp Anyway, it's easy to understand. This is the first time I've read Akira Ikegami's book, but I've seen him on TV […]
