Shortcut for switching input on DELL U2414H
I bought a DELL U2414H. I have a Macbook Air in clamshell mode connected to a Displayport and a self-built Windows desktop PC connected to an HDMI port, but for some reason the input doesn't switch automatically. [...]
Location of incompatible software in OS X (10.10) Yosemite

I immediately installed OSX Yosemite, which was announced on October 17, 2014 (Japan time). I am aware that there is always software that does not work or has bugs, so I updated it on the same day and it will last for a few days or at the latest a few weeks. […]
There are ways to get rich, but what will you do when you get rich?

There are ways to become rich, but what will you do when you become rich? posted with Yomereba Takafumi Horie Tokuma Shoten 2013-04-26 See details on When you pick up this book, you will probably imagine what the title says.
Schizophrenia has arrived

Schizophrenia Has Arrived posted with Yomereba House Kagaya, Matsumoto Kick East Press 2013-08-07 See details on This book is different from other celebrity books. One in 100 people […]
Intellectual Thinking Techniques: 7-step thinking technique to strengthen your thinking frame

The Art of Intellectual Thinking: 7 Steps to Strengthen Your Thinking Frame (SANNO Management Concept Series) posted with Yomereba Sanno University Research Institute, Intelligent Thinking Technology Research Project Sanno University Publishing Department 2007 […]